Supporting Project PAL
The study is being conducted by PhD researchers at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) in Aberdeen, and the University of Aberdeen’s Rowett Institute.
Project PAL is being generously supported by the SRUC and the WALTHAM Equine Studies Group. The WALTHAM Equine Studies group is committed to collaborative research with a key focus on laminitis, obesity and the aging equine. The present study benefits greatly from the involvement of the head of the equine research group, Professor Pat Harris MA PhD, VetMB DipECVCN MRCVS, and the Marketing and R&D Director at SPILLERS™, Clare Barfoot BSc (Hons) RNutr.
This study is also being provided with key support from the internationally renowned charity, World Horse Welfare, an organisation dedicated to improving standards for horses around the world.
The Roland Sutton Trust, a trust fund set up to support agricultural and land based research in the North East of Scotland, also plays a key role in supporting the study at a local level.